About Us

Hey there, I'm Heba, the founder of Attorybox and a strong believer in the power of scent to transport us to special moments and create new memories. I started this company because I love the feeling of smelling a fragrance and being taken back to a special period of time in my life or remembering a loved one who is not near.

This was especially true when I was studying abroad. I missed my family and friends so much, and smelling a familiar scent would take me home and was one of the few ways I can relive the memories with them even from afar. I wished I could bottle up those scents and keep them with me always. But I was a student and couldn't afford expensive designer fragrances. That's when I got the inspiration for Attorybox - a way for people to capture their cherished memories in a bottle, without breaking the bank.

In Attorybox, you can get as many designer fragrances as you wish in an affordable way. I'm passionate about helping people create their own personal "memory capsule" through scent, whether it's a fragrance that reminds you of a special vacation, a family gathering, or any other cherished moment. You can keep a fragrance for every occasion and look back on it in the future to relive all the beautiful moments and excitement.

Attorybox is a community where we share our love for fragrance and help each other discover new scents that speak to us. I love hearing the stories behind your purchases and connecting with new fragrance enthusiasts. Sharing your stories with others on social media is where I get my joy and it is so fun to read everyone’s reactions to your stories.

So, if you're looking to share your love of fragrance with like-minded people and capture your memories in a bottle, Attorybox is the perfect place for you. Let's chat, share our stories, and create a capsule of memories together!

About Us

Hey there, I'm Heba, the founder of Attorybox and a strong believer in the power of scent to transport us to special moments and create new memories. I started this company because I love the feeling of smelling a fragrance and being taken back to a special period of time in my life or remembering a loved one who is not near.

This was especially true when I was studying abroad. I missed my family and friends so much, and smelling a familiar scent would take me home and was one of the few ways I can relive the memories with them even from afar. I wished I could bottle up those scents and keep them with me always. But I was a student and couldn't afford expensive designer fragrances. That's when I got the inspiration for Attorybox - a way for people to capture their cherished memories in a bottle, without breaking the bank.

In Attorybox, you can get as many designer fragrances as you wish in an affordable way. I'm passionate about helping people create their own personal "memory capsule" through scent, whether it's a fragrance that reminds you of a special vacation, a family gathering, or any other cherished moment. You can keep a fragrance for every occasion and look back on it in the future to relive all the beautiful moments and excitement.

Attorybox is a community where we share our love for fragrance and help each other discover new scents that speak to us. I love hearing the stories behind your purchases and connecting with new fragrance enthusiasts. Sharing your stories with others on social media is where I get my joy and it is so fun to read everyone’s reactions to your stories.

So, if you're looking to share your love of fragrance with like-minded people and capture your memories in a bottle, Attorybox is the perfect place for you. Let's chat, share our stories, and create a capsule of memories together!